Katerine, 14

Meet Katerine, a self-described real and loyal individual who values her connections with friends and loved ones. She enjoys a diverse range of music, tunes in to "Sophia the First," and has a particular fondness for pozole and Wingstop. Katerine finds joy in taking naps, drawing, doing makeup, and playing soccer on her school's team.

Residing with her mom, dad, older brother, and older sister, Katerine feels secure in her community, with no plans of moving. During the interview, her talkative and outgoing nature shone through, revealing a confident and determined personality.

However, Katerine has faced challenges in forming positive relationships with peers. Immigrating at a young age, she has been a target of bullying, resulting in physical altercations and even legal consequences. Recently, she was hospitalized after being attacked by a group of girls.

In light of these challenges, a mentor can play a crucial role in Katerine's life by teaching her positive ways to express emotions, resolve conflicts, and build healthier relationships. Acting as a supportive listener and someone she can vent to, a mentor can provide Katerine with the guidance and understanding she needs to navigate her emotions and interactions with others.

Eunice Navarro